Week 1 Module 1: Your Leadership Journey
Understanding Your Leadership Role
- Leadership of Influence
- What is success?
- Leading – Managing - Influencing
Leadership Potential
- Levels of Leadership
- Walking the Extra Miles
- Hierarchy of Contribution
Week 2 Module 2: Understanding Your Preferred Leadership Personality
Let’s Explore “ONARD”
- Your Preferred Leadership Personality
- People Oriented Vs Task Oriented
- Introvert Vs Extrovert
Your Strength Vs Weaknesses
- Strengthening Your Strengthen
- Overcoming Your Weaknesses
- Understanding Others
Week 3 Module 3: Understanding Habits of Highly Effective people
The Habits
- Habit 1: Be Proactive
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
- Habit 3: Put First Things First
Aligning Yourself and Leading Others
- Breaking Negativity for Positivity
- Our Priority
- Our Dreams
Week 4 Module 4: Becoming Leadership to Influence
Coaching and Mentoring
- Leading and Adapting Changes – “ONARD”
- Unlocking The Potential within Us.
- Motivation by Influencing
Team Synergy
- Team Profiling and Managing Team Effectiveness
- Team Synergy and Support
- Sharpen the Saw