Pinnacles' trainers are Pinnacles’ trainers are HRD Corp Certified
Lead Trainer for HRD Corp Train The Trainer Program | IABFM International Accredited Trainer
David Lau is an approved certified trainer of Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) with certificate no. TTT/4548 and is also an appointed certified trainer to conduct HRD Corp’s Train the Trainer program throughout Malaysia. Recently he was also appointed as the Lead Trainer and Assessor of HRDF in Malaysia.
Lead Trainer for HRD Corp Train The Trainer Program | IABFM International Accredited Trainer
Dominic Jay holds an Executive Diploma in Strategic Marketing Management from West College Scotland, Paisley, Scotland. He is an HRD Corp Certified Trainer (TTT/11182) and an approved Trainer to conduct HRD Corp’s Train-The-Trainer (TTT) Certification Program. He is also an International Accredited Trainer to conduct certification courses for IABFM, (International Academy of Business and Financial Management) a professional body and regulatory organization with members and chapters in over 145 countries worldwide.
HRD Corp Certified Trainer
Clement Law holds an Executive Diploma in Finance Management from West College Scotland, Paisley, Scotland. He is a certified trainer with Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) with Certificate No. TTT/10429.
HRDF Certified Master Trainer | Accredited Trainer for PSMB
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HRD Corp Certified Trainer
Mohd Zul Faqqar is an HRD Corp certified trainer and specializes in conducting virtual learning and online training. His vast knowledge and experiences using OBS software also lead to interactive and effective online learning. Apart from that, Zul's virtual program focuses on Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Word Press for e-commerce, and Adobe Photoshop for beginners which are very crucial knowledge to implement in the workforce environment nowadays.
HRD Corp Certified Trainer
Pei is a certified trainer of Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) with certificate number TTT 18166. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Hawaii Pacific University in the USA with Magna Cum Laude honors and a major in Accounting.
HRD Corp Certified Trainer | Chief Executive Officer of MKWU Sdn Bhd | Business Consultant
Mu’izzuddin Bin Matelee (Muizz) is a Licensed Secretary regulated by Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) and a Certified Trainer with Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (HRD Corp). He is the main founder and Chief Executive Officer of MKWU Sdn Bhd, a Sarawak-based company that is committed to providing value-added professional corporate support in the business ecosystem for corporate finance and business advisory services in Sarawak.
HRD Corp Certified Trainer
Teo Loon Tong is an HRD Corp (Human Resources Development Corporation) Certified Trainer. He has also completed a certification course for IABFM (International Academy of Business and Financial Management), a professional body and regulatory organization with members and chapters in over 145 countries worldwide. He holds a Bachelor of Science (majoring in Computer Science) from Monash University, Australia.
HRD Certified Trainer
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