• Teo Loon Tong

    HRD Corp Certified Trainer

      Teo Loon Tong is an HRD Corp (Human Resources Development Corporation) Certified Trainer. He has also completed a certification course for IABFM (International Academy of Business and Financial Management), a professional body and regulatory organization with members and chapters in over 145 countries worldwide. He holds a Bachelor of Science (majoring in Computer Science) from Monash University, Australia.

      He was an IT professional who has been involved with the IT industry for over 30 years. Previously, he worked as a Systems Analyst in a State Government Statutory Body for 6 years. He then joined a State Government-owned IT Company as a Project Manager and Operation Manager for about 8 years, after which, he headed a subsidiary of the Company as the General Manager for about 10 years before he moved on to take up the position of Chief Operating Officer in the mother Company for about 8 years.

      During his working career, he has been in charge of key projects which include the design, development, maintenance & operation of Sarawak Pay, a State-owned e-wallet as General Manager, the development and operation of PaybillsMalaysia, a bill payment portal, Integrated Court Solution for Sarawak and Sabah Courts as General Manager, SarawakNet, a State-wide Wide Area Network, as Operation Manager and IT Master Plan Study for State Civil Service (SCS) as Consultant.

      His areas of training include Emotional Quotient (EQ) for Leadership Excellence Skill, Effective Supervisory Skill, Customer Care Skill, and Digitalization/Digital Transformation Skill