Week 1 Module 1: Your Preferred Personality
Let’s Explore Your “ONARD”
- What’s Your Profile?
- Managing and Transforming Your Profile
- Strengthening Your Strength Vs Overcoming Your Weakness
- Identify Your Opportunity Vs Threats
Understanding Two Basic Human Needs
- Inner Significant Vs Social Emotional Security
- Work Life Balance
- Conflict and Challenges
Week 2 Module 2: Managing Your Potential
Breaking Negativity for Positivity
- Negative Emotions Vs Feelings
- Managing Self Emotions – Respond Vs Reaction
- Be Proactive
Managing Yourself
- Behavior Change as we grow
- Begin with the End in Mind
- Put First Things First
Week 3 Module 3: Bringing The Best in You
Managing Relationship
- Understanding Perception
- Think Win-Win
- Communication with Empathic Listening
Living Up to Your Potential
- Avoiding Peter Principle
- Exceeding the Expectation
- Walking the Extra Mile
- Judgmental Skills on Yourself
Week 4 Module 4: Synergy with Others for Effectiveness
Working with Others
- Process of Synergizing
- Valuing the Differences in Others
- Bringing the Best of others
Four Dimensions of Your Nature
- Self Centerness Perception
- Mind – Body – Spirit
- Sharpen the Saw